Sunday, August 29, 2010

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The Dallas Cowboys and Kirie Kojima of "Girls Bravo."

One of my friends just moved into their new apartment, and it got me thinking about when I first moved into my apartment. I'll never forget the leather couch (which I still have) that I got for $10 at a yard sale, and the rest of my furniture is just hand-me-downs from my parents' house. Speaking of hand-me-downs, didn't you just hate getting those as a kid? Since I was the oldest, I didn't get too many of those, but I hated it when I did, I wanted to have new things. It's amazing how those feelings change when you have to start paying for things yourself.

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The New York Giants with Elisa Maza of "Gargoyles."

Gargoyles was one of my favorite shows growing up, I just had to get one of their characters in here.

After a week away from work, I feel recharged, it's like I have more energy. I wonder if I'll feel the same by the end of the week.